Lake County Wants to Know: How Satisfied are You with Your Internet / Broadband Services?

Lake County Wants to Know: How Satisfied are You with Your Internet / Broadband Services?

Lake County is working on a Broadband Master Plan Update and Broadband Implementation Plan, which seek to expand broadband Internet availability, accessibility, and adoption in our area to transform businesses through enhanced access to broadband services and technology, device assistance and training.

To be successful, the County needs to have a fuller understanding of how businesses in the County are using, or would like to use, broadband, and the barriers and challenges that they face in obtaining and integrating broadband into everyday operations. In order to do that, the County has developed a Business Internet / Broadband Survey. The Lake County EDC is assisting the County in distributing the survey to its members and their constituents.

Please take the survey for your organization and share the link and QR code with all your constituentsand anyone else that you think has a need or interest in Internet and broadband services for business. The thoughts and experiences of all who respond will be extremely helpful in crafting a Broadband Implementation Plan to create greater and more fruitful broadband opportunities for businesses throughout the County.

Don’t hesitate to contact Nicole Flora at Lake County Economic Developmpent Corporation (at if you have any questions. The survey should be completed by June 15, 2023. Thank you for your participation and assistance!